After Blue City Crime Hits Record Levels – Democrat Leader Forced to Make 1 Desperate Request
By Mick Farthing|August 9, 2023
After Blue City Crime Hits Record Levels – Democrat Leader Forced to Make 1 Desperate Request

What’s Happening:

It’s become almost common to learn about the crime epidemic in blue cities. Democrat city councils, mayors, and district attorneys have refused to uphold law and order. In some cities, they have decriminalized theft and break-ins. In others, they have eliminated cash bail. And in many places, they lower the sentences for heinous crimes including drug dealing and homicide.

All in the name of “criminal justice reform.” What it really is, is lawlessness.

And, guess what? It has only led to more crime. Most of these cities have defunded the police, leaving law-abiding citizens helpless in the face of endless criminal activity. One blue city is known for rampant crime. But it has skyrocketed in recent years. Now, one of the left’s own councilmen is calling for extreme measures, just to stop the chaos.

From The Post Millennial:

After yet another violent weekend in the nation’s capital, a Washington DC councilman says it is time to call in the National Guard.

Councilmember Trayon White, Sr. a Democrat who represents Ward 8, said Monday, “The crime is out of control and getting worse by the day. We must declare an emergency regarding the crime and violence in our neighborhoods and act urgently. It may be time to call on the National Guard to protect the children and innocent people that are losing their lives to this senselessness.”

If you think this wasn’t the plan all along, you’re dreaming. Democrats have been letting crime get out of control in major cities for years. They are responsible for once-proud communities becoming hellholes. Crime has destroyed businesses, homes, schools, and the local economy.

The only end result, of course, is to take drastic measures like calling in the National Guard. This, as you might imagine, would give Democrats in government direct control over cities. The National Guard answers to state governors and other officials. It is a military force, not peace officers.

Using the National Guard to police our cities would give Democrats even more power over the day-to-day affairs of formerly free Americans. You don’t think that’s what they wanted all along?

Instead of having civilian officers patrolling neighbors, you’ll have heavily-armed soldiers. As if we were in a war-torn, third-world country, forced to obey the strict demands of a dictator.

Pelosi deliberately used the National Guard to “secure” Washington, D.C. after the 2020 Election. Many believed that was simply to intimidate anyone who questioned the very questionable election results.

Don’t obey us? Well, we have the army on our side! What are you going to do about it?

Democrats apparently want to turn America from a free society, governed by laws and justice, into one where they have the ultimate control. They will use the National Guard to re-establish their own view of law and order.

Not one where we have rights and courts to protect us, but one where their will is law.

Key Takeaways:

  • Skyrocketing crime in D.C. has provoked a Democrat to call for the National Guard.
  • Blue cities are suffering from rising crime, thanks to Democrats’ “criminal justice reform.”
  • Democrats have passed a wide variety of measures that have increased crime in American cities.

Source: The Post Millennial

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.

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