Blue City Bakery Reveals Anti-Police Policy – And This Cop Union Is Already Punching Back
By Sean Kerrvin|August 29, 2023
Blue City Bakery Reveals Anti-Police Policy – And This Cop Union Is Already Punching Back

What’s Happening:

Leftist radicals are all about a diverse world where everyone is equal until they don’t like a person or a group of people who are different from them. Anyone who does not fit the leftist narrative is quickly excluded as abnormal.

When a pro-America person with more traditional values stands their ground, leftists have shown they will attack them verbally and even pass laws in attempts to jail them. They’ll publicly ream anyone who doesn’t openly stand for their radical leftist views.

One group whose members have been attacked by the left is fighting back and calling out the blatant discrimination. Cops want to be treated with equity in local businesses and they’re calling out a company that doesn’t want them around while they’re on the job.

From The Daily Wire:

A San Francisco bakery is refusing service to armed law enforcement officers in uniform, according to the San Francisco Police Officers Association. The union shared a post via X last Thursday, saying, “NO COPS ALLOWED.”

San Fran cops are getting reamed by Reem’s bakery chain which responded that, “At Reem’s we do have a policy to not serve anyone that is armed in a uniform.” How diplomatic of the bakery snobs. They don’t want armed cops in their stores, but they said unarmed officers can come in any time. Does that include military members? This is a very exclusionary inclusive policy by these bakery elitists.

Reem’s answer didn’t sit well with the police union. If the bakery doesn’t want officers armed and in uniform, the union decided that its officers will make sure to stay away from Reem’s. Officers made it clear that Reem’s should “own their discriminatory policy & and put up a sign so we know not to spend money in your establishment — on or off duty.” The union designed a sign just for Reem’s:

“NO ENTRY. NO COPS ALLOWED,” the proposed sign read in all capital letters. “HAVE A NICE DAY.”

The National Fraternal Order of Police mocked the stance of the bakery which may need the help of officers with the rise in crime fueled by anti-police leftist policies in the city.

“Soooo has Reem’s contacted SFPD and been placed on a do not respond list or nah? Just checking …” the FOP posted.

It wouldn’t be surprising if any crimes committed against anti-cop businesses received a slow response. Imagine a scene where officers are grabbing a to-go order while on lunch break and the call comes across the radio. They might just switch radio channels and enjoy their union-approved break. Anti-cop businesses could then take their complaints to the soft-on-crime city prosecutor.

Key Takeaways:

  • Bakery in blue city doesn’t want armed officers in its stores.
  • Police union offers a perfect window sign to keep cops away.
  • Bakery now doesn’t have to worry about cops’ business – ever.

Source: The Daily Wire

Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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