Biden’s Address After Trump Assassination Attempt Raises New Concerns About Mental Acuity
Biden’s Address After Trump Assassination Attempt Raises New Concerns About Mental Acuity

Soon after a would-be assassin attacked Trump, U.S. leaders spoke out. Republican lawmakers quickly condemned the evil attack and offered prayers and condolences to the victims. It was left for Democrats to issue responses, given the gravity of this event.

Eventually, Democrat leaders like Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, and Chuck Schumer posted messages to social media. They all condemned the attack and hoped for Trump’s recovery.

But it took hours before President Biden’s social accounts posted anything. Later that evening, he spoke about the events of the day. To his credit, Biden condemned the attack on Trump’s life. The Democrat also spoke directly to Trump. The next day, Biden gave remarks to the country. But he left much to be desired.

From The Post Millennial:
“We cannot, we must not go down this road in America,” Biden said, who then stated that violence is not the answer to political problems in America…

Biden referenced January 6, 2021, a riot that he and Democrats have attempted to frame the election around…

He went on to say that we all have disagreements, and the stakes are high in this election, but that the place to solve those problems is the “battle box.”…

President Biden stumbled through remarks made to the nation after the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. He claimed Americans are not “enemies,” and then he made the event about Democrat narratives. He reminded Americans about J6—an event Democrats have used to turn Americans against their neighbors.

He then mentioned a failed kidnap attempt against Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer—which had the FBI involved. Biden made more gaffes, calling the former president “Former Trump.” He then told Americans that they need to win at the “battle box.”

Aside from the blunders, however, Biden’s remarks rang hollow for another reason. The Democrat has been trying to demonize Trump for years. Biden has repeatedly called Trump an “enemy” of democracy. He has allowed four criminal cases to get thrown at Trump. He and his party continue to paint Trump as a dictator, as seen by just one of many posts he’s made to social media.

That one was just a few days before the attempted assassination. Biden did not apologize for slandering Trump again and again. Nor did he admit that his reckless slander may have incited violence against his top political opponent.

Instead, he made empty comments about the country uniting—while he has been the bigger divider of all. Maybe we’ll start listening to the President when he admits that he has been a leader of the rhetoric he now denounces.

Key Takeaways:

  • Biden stumbled several times during remarks made after the assassination attempt on Trump.
  • The Democrat called Donald “Former Trump.” He told Americans to fight at the “battle box.”
  • Biden did not take responsibility for the times he’s called Trump a dictator or an “enemy” of democracy.

Source: The Post Millennial

July 15, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.