Joe Biden is perhaps best known for his inane and incoherent “gaffes.” He’s been making them long before he became president. But in his advanced age, people have taken them as signs of his declining cognitive ability.
Recently, he was at a campaign rally in Tampa, FL. As expected, he was talking about abortion—an issue he is trying to make the focus of the 2024 Election.
Biden complained about Florida’s new law that bans abortions after six weeks of pregnancy. The president used that to bash Donald Trump, although he does not support Florida’s policy. Joe then said something so outrageous, that conservatives are agreeing with him.
From Fox News:
However, during his comments, Biden made what many considered to be an embarrassing mistake.“I don’t know why we’re surprised by Trump. How many times does he have to prove we can’t be trusted?” Biden said.
Several conservative social media users jumped on the quote, with many jokingly agreeing with Biden’s comments that he can’t be trusted.
“Not satire,” Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon noted about the clip.
OutKick contributor Tomi Lahren said, “Well even a blind squirrel finds a nut.”
Ha! Biden accidentally tells the truth when speaking of President Trump:
“How many times does he have to prove WE can’t be trusted?”
Just perfect. pic.twitter.com/XlygOxSdAy
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) April 23, 2024
While attacking Donald Trump over abortion access, Biden said “we can’t be trusted.” In actuality, he said, “How many times does [Trump] have to prove we can’t be trusted?”
The obvious gaffe was quickly met with laughter from the audience. It is unknown if those listeners were laughing at Joe’s gaffe or assumed Biden was trying to make a joke. Often, Democrats try to dismiss Biden’s obvious flubs by saying he had intentionally been joking.
But conservatives online were quickly to “agree” with Biden, saying that neither he nor his party can be trusted. One person wrote, “If they tell you who they are, believe them.”
Another person, radio host Tony Kinnett said Biden is going to “endorse Trump at this rate.”
Biden has been struggling with public performances. It is well known that his handlers limit how often he is seen in public. They write the questions and answers for his interviews. They refuse to let Biden speak to the press openly.
They even have him wearing special sneakers, so he won’t keep falling down.
Despite all this, Biden continues to show bothersome signs of mental decline. Short of using a body double, there is little Democrats can do to stop that.
Key Takeaways:
- Conservatives are mocking Biden over his latest gaffe.
- The Democrat said Trump keeps proving “we can’t be trusted.”
- This comes as Biden continues to make alarming gaffes and mistakes.
Source: Fox News