Biden’s Latest Blunder Is Just Jaw-Dropping – Somehow Our President Can’t Even Count
By Mick Farthing|August 9, 2023
Biden’s Latest Blunder Is Just Jaw-Dropping – Somehow Our President Can’t Even Count

What’s Happening:

With each passing day, Joe Biden shows us just how unfit he is for office. We’ve been telling you since 2020–but it bears repeating. Biden continues to make gaffes that tell the world that he is too old (and perhaps too mentally frail) to hold the highest office in the land.

Biden confuses basic facts, dates, names, and places. He needs cheat sheet cards from his staff to know where to sit or stand. He shuffles around like a nursing home patient. One time, he tried to shake hands with nobody. And now, he is embarrassing us like never before–this time he can’t even count!

From Fox News:

President Biden’s latest gaffe came Tuesday as he inaccurately said the Grand Canyon is one of the “nine” wonders of the world…

The widely accepted list of world wonders includes seven locations, and the Grand Canyon is not part of that list. The actual wonders included are the Great Wall of China, Chichén Itzá in Mexico, Petra in Jordan, Machu Picchu in Peru, the Christ the Redeemer statue in Brazil, the Colosseum in Italy and the Taj Mahal in India.

Ugh. While pushing his radical climate agenda, Biden was waxing poetic about the Grand Canyon. He said, “The Grand Canyon — one of the Earth’s nine wonders, wonders of the world, literally. Think of that. You know, it’s amazing. An enduring symbol of America to the entire world.”

Uh, what? There are seven wonders of the world and they are all projects built by men. The is, however, a list considered as the natural wonders of the world–but there are only seven. Those include the Northern Lights, the Great Barrier Reef, and yes the Grand Canyon.

This is one of those obvious mistakes that makes us sit up and go, “What the heck?” If Biden’s staff had prepared remarks for him–why didn’t he just read them? I’m sure his handlers knew there were only seven wonders of the natural world.

Either he couldn’t read his script. Or, he decided to go off-script and come up with that comment himself. Either way, he embarrassed the country with this gaffe, before the whole world.

So, Biden can’t even remember there are only seven natural wonders–yet he wants us to trust him to “save” the environment? He can’t even bring inflation down, but he is the right person to stop “climate change.”

Give me a break, man! Biden has constantly given us reason to fear about his mental condition. Even medical experts warned that he shows frequent signs of cognitive decline. Democrats refuse to even consider the possibility because they’d rather have a sick man running for office than lose an election.

Key Takeaways:

  • Biden called the Grand Canyon “one of the Earth’s nine wonders.”
  • The Grand Canyon is one of seven wonders of the natural world.
  • This is one of many gaffes Biden has made that causes Americans to question his mental health.

Source: Fox News

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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