Joe Biden Gets Nightmare Gaza Update – His Entire Pier Plan Just Blew Up In His Face
Joe Biden Gets Nightmare Gaza Update – His Entire Pier Plan Just Blew Up In His Face

President Biden stunned the country when he promised Gaza hundreds of millions of dollars in aid. Most of that money was put toward constructing a floating pier off the region’s cost. Biden vowed the pier would be used to ship aid to the war-torn region.

This came as an indictment against Israel, whom progressive groups accused of committing “genocide” against Palestinians. Biden appeared to echo that claim, even though Israel continues to provide humanitarian aid to the region.

For a long time, experts have warned about international aid being sent to Gaza. Hamas, the terror network that controls the region, takes that aid and uses it to procure weapons. Despite these warnings, Biden spent tax dollars to build this pier. Guess what happened?

From Breitbart:
Most of the aid being delivered to Gaza via the new “floating pier” constructed by the U.S. military is being stolen, according to reports.

The pier, announced by President Joe Biden in his State of the Union address, was completed last week, and the Pentagon said Tuesday that 569 metric tons of aid had been brought ashore thus far.

However, the Pentagon is unable to say how much, if any, of that aid has actually reached the organizations that are supposed to distribute it, as reports have emerged of Palestinians simply seizing aid from the back of delivery trucks.

Reuters revealed that “no aid” has reached the UN warehouse from the pier built by Biden for at least two days. Reports indicate that all the trucks have been looted by people. Where this aid is going is a complete mystery.

President Biden is reportedly spending over $300 million in U.S. tax dollars to provide aid to a group that hates Israel and America. Almost immediately, the Palestinians proved their critics right. The aid meant to help families displaced by the fighting is being stolen.

Where is this aid going? Without accountability, it could end up in the hands of terrorists. Also likely is that this aid is being sold. Individuals could be extorting desperate families, forcing them to pay for food and supplies that were supposed to be free.

Biden should have known this was going to happen. Yet he ignored all the warning signs to virtual signal to the world and his progressive backers. Biden has become increasingly hostile to Israel out of fear of what far-left voters will do.

Now, he has wasted millions of American tax dollars, once again enriching enemies.

Key Takeaways:

  • The aid Biden is providing to Gaza is being stolen by Palestinians.
  • Biden is spending over $300 million on Palestinian aid, but much of it is “falling” into the hands of Israel’s adversaries.
  • None of the aid has reached a UN warehouse, as the trucks are being robbed.

Source: Breitbart

May 22, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.