Biden Official’s Big Secret Spills Out – She Made This “Red” Shock Move in Secret
By Mick Farthing|August 7, 2023
Biden Official’s Big Secret Spills Out – She Made This “Red” Shock Move in Secret

What’s Happening:

Again and again, the Biden administration has admitted its real energy agenda. Various officials claimed they are using the gas price crisis to force Americans to switch to “green” energy. They seem to want you to be paying unnecessarily high gas prices, so you’ll break down and buy an EV. After all, why hasn’t Biden allowed companies to drill for oil and gas–when it’s readily available?

In 2021, Biden made a show of “helping” the gas price crisis by releasing millions of barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. This oil was supposed to be kept for emergencies, like war. But he gave away 50 million barrels, which wouldn’t cover two days of oil use. But now, we might know why Biden made such a terrible decision, because of a shocking meeting between his energy chief and our biggest rivals.

From The Post Millennial:

United States Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm talked to China’s top energy official just days before the Biden Administration announced it would tap into the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) back in 2021 when gas prices were high…

APT Executive Director Caitlin Sutherland said, “Secretary Granholm’s multiple closed-door meetings with a CCP-connected energy official raise serious questions about the level of Chinese influence on the Biden administration’s energy agenda.”

Well, what do ya know? Just days before Biden gave away millions of barrels from our oil reserve, his energy secretary Granholm had secret, closed-door meetings with China. Specifically, she spoke with China’s top energy official.

Soon after, Biden started selling our strategic oil. Guess who bought most of that oil–oil that was supposed to help America during a time of war? China, of course.

Gee… starting to see a connection?

Biden has deliberately refused to unleash America’s energy independence. He has allowed gas prices to skyrocket, so Americans would be forced to buy expensive and inefficient electric cars. Meanwhile, he is giving away our strategic oil so that China can stockpile it for themselves.

And the left wonders why we accuse them of serving the communist nation?

What could the Chinese energy official and Jennifer Granholm have been talking about? Remember, this is the very same woman who laughed in a reporter’s face when asked about lowering gas prices. She had no plans to help Americans struggling to put gas in their cars. Instead, she seemed to be more than willing to work with China–so the communist country had all the oil it needed.

Thanks to Biden, America’s been forced to buy oil from foreign nations. We’ve been at the mercy of Saudi Arabia and others, as our wealth flowed into their pockets. And even when Biden claimed he was helping us, he was really helping China.

Key Takeaways:

  • Biden’s energy secretary secretly met with China before Biden emptied our SPR.
  • Granholm held closed-door meetings with China’s top energy official.
  • Biden has shut down American oil production and sold off our reserves to foreign nations.

Source: The Post Millennial

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.

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