Biden’s Behind-Closed-Doors Secret Slips Out – Inside Source Claims “No One Is Safe”
By Mick Farthing|July 10, 2023
Biden’s Behind-Closed-Doors Secret Slips Out – Inside Source Claims “No One Is Safe”

What’s Happening:

I don’t have to tell you just how badly Biden is doing. And we’re not just talking about his failures as president! With each passing day, we see signs that the man no longer has a grasp on his cognitive abilities.

Not that long ago, we heard that the aging Democrat can’t control himself while speaking with staff. He frequently becomes frustrated at his aides, who are trying to handle a man on the brink of insanity. We’ve heard he lashes out at them at the littlest thing. But now, we are learning it is worse than we thought. Much, much worse.

From Fox News:

President Biden has a short temper and frequently lashes out at staff members with profanity-laden rants if they do not meet his expectations…

One official in the administration told the outlet that “no one is safe” from Biden’s wrath. Aides are reportedly known to meet with him in groups of two or more to defuse potential tension.

Some of the president’s go-to attacks include, “How the f— don’t you know this?” and “Don’t f—ing bulls— me!”

Oh, so kind, old “Uncle Joe” is just a fantasy, huh? Big surprise. The truth is, Joe Biden’s possible dementia is getting so bad that he can’t control his temper at all. According to reports he is frequently lashing out at staff members. He blasts them with profanity.

It’s so bad, from what we’ve heard, that staff have to meet with him in groups, just to avoid getting hammered by him.

What does that tell you about this man’s ability to lead?

The media often falsely portrayed Trump as having a short temper. But we never heard anything like this coming out of his administration.

It seems Biden has totally lost control of himself. This could be due to his failing cognitive abilities. Often people suffering from mental decline get frustrated that they can’t do simple tasks or understand what people are saying.

So, they lash out with bursts of anger. Is this what’s happening with Old Joe? Well, we never heard of this kind of stuff while he was vice president, right? This only seems to be happening more and more now, as signs of his mental decline are on the rise.

Why aren’t Democrats doing anything about this? How can they go around, pretending like they have America’s best interests in mind when they allow this man to abuse his own staff? If they had a shred of integrity, they’d remove him immediately.

Key Takeaways:

  • Joe Biden lashes out frequently at his staff in curse-filled tirades.
  • This could be more signs of failing mental health, as a short temper is a symptom.
  • Democrats have refused to address the growing evidence of Biden’s decline.

Source: Fox News

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.

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