Joe Biden has long claimed to be a president who is out to unify the nation and bring the American people together. In reality, he’s been an incredibly divisive figure who has taken seemingly every chance he’s had over the years to shame the millions of Americans who dared to vote for Donald Trump.
While speaking at the Democratic National Convention on Monday night, Biden launched a vicious attack on Trump supporters once again. This time, he insulted the intelligence of millions of Trump voters. Biden did this by falsely saying that they “can’t think, can’t read very well.”
This was a moment that was reminiscent of Hillary Clinton’s infamous “basket of deplorables” line from 2016. It just goes to show that in the eight years since then, the Democrat establishment has learned nothing when it comes to alienating half of the country.
From Breitbart News:
“How can we be the greatest nation in the world without the best education system in the world,” he said. “Donald Trump and the Republican friends, they not only can’t think, they can’t read very well.”After the audience laughed, Biden said, “Seriously, think about it. Look at their Project 2025. They want to do away with a part of education.”
"Donald Trump and the Republican friends they not only can't think, they can't read very well" – @POTUS #DNCPOTUS #DNCConvention2024 #DNC2024CHICAGO #Biden pic.twitter.com/3pnsjRmUDe
— Federal Network (@FedNet) August 20, 2024
This shows once again how much contempt the Democrat establishment has for millions of everyday Americans. They claim to be the party of unity. However, their version of unity is really just forcing the American people to submit to their woke, radically liberal agenda. Anyone who dares to resist this by holding conservative views is labeled a deplorable in the eyes of Democrats. These people must then be shunned by society.
Biden Never Cared About Unity
It also shows who Biden really is at his core. When he took office four years ago, he claimed that he was going to bring the American people together. Since then, however, he’s done nothing to try and end the shaming of conservative Trump supporters from the left. Instead, Biden has only furthered the divide between Republicans and Democrats. He did this in a desperate and pathetic attempt to keep his side in power.
Trump is constantly accused of being divisive. In reality, however, it is Democrats like Biden who are the true divisive ones. The last thing they want is for the American people to come back together again. If that were to happen, more voters might have time to realize just how bad things have gotten in this country thanks to Democrat policies. That’s why it’s in Democrats’ best interests for America to remain a divisive place, as that’s the only chance they have to keep winning elections.
After all, it’s not like the Democrat establishment ever cared about America in the first place, so watching this great nation become more divided than ever before does not weigh on them at all.
When Clinton labeled millions of Trump supporters as “deplorables” back in 2016, many felt that it ended up costing her the election. Here’s hoping Biden’s comments come back to bite Kamala Harris in the same way.
Key Takeaways:
- Biden insults intelligence of Trump supporters during DNC speech.
- Reminiscent of Hillary Clinton’s “deplorables” comments from 2016.
- Democrats like Biden don’t actually want to unify America.
Source: Breitbart