On Thursday, President Joe Biden attempted to ease fears about his cognitive failings by holding his very own “big boy” press conference at NATO. Unfortunately for him and his supporters, however, it didn’t go very well for him.
Biden Caught In Major Lie
Aside from all the gaffes and unintelligible musings that we’ve come to expect from Biden, he also told multiple blatant lies during this disastrous presser. One of the biggest lies came when Biden claimed that “more children are killed by a bullet than any other cause of death.”
Democrats have been repeating this claim for years. When looking at the facts, however, it’s clear that it’s simply not true at all.
It turns out that when Democrats like Biden make this argument, they are citing data that includes 18 and 19 year-olds as children, even though they are legal adults.
From Breitbart News:
Breitbart News noted that a FOX News report pointed to CDC figures that showed firearm-related deaths of people ages 0-19 totaled 4,368 in 2020, while motor vehicle deaths for the same age range totaled 4,036.Breitbart showed that if a custom search is done on the CDC numbers so that you are limiting the category of “children” to those 0-17 (i.e. those below voting age) then the data completely flips.
The number of firearm-related deaths for children aged 0-17 was 2,281 in 2020, while the number of motor vehicle deaths for the same ages was 2,503. Moreover, CDC data that the left omits shows that even if we keep the age range of 0-19, unintentional car deaths in 2020 among those individuals were 27 times higher than unintentional gun deaths in that age range.
This is some shady stuff, even for the left. However, manipulating stats and leaving out context is exactly what we’ve come to expect from the Democratic Party.
Democrats claim to care about honesty and integrity. When it comes to their own causes, however, all of that goes out the window. In pushing their gun-grabbing agenda, Democrats will do and say anything to further their quest to keep chipping away at the Second Amendment.
Biden’s Strange Tone Change
The tone Biden used to make this false claim also needs to be addressed, as it was truly bizarre. Within seconds, Biden went from his typical low-energy meandering to aggressively screaming to make that false point.
Why so angry, Joe?!
It seems that Biden may be so far gone mentally that he’s actually believing the lies that he and the rest of his party made up themselves.
Perhaps someone should remind Biden that there’s really nothing to worry about here, as bullets aren’t actually the top killer of children. We wouldn’t want him losing any sleep over this, especially since he needs more of that than ever these days!
Key Takeaways:
- Biden claims bullets are top killer of children.
- This is false, as motor vehicles are actually the top killer of children.
- Democrats manipulated these stats by including 18-19 year-olds as children.
Source: Breitbart News