After Biden Breaks Silence on Maui Fires – He Makes an Even Bigger Mistake on Live TV
By Sean Kerrvin|August 16, 2023
After Biden Breaks Silence on Maui Fires – He Makes an Even Bigger Mistake on Live TV

What’s Happening:

Joe Biden just can’t get it together. When he opens his mouth, he can’t seem to not insult Americans or disrespect the deceased. If there is a tragedy he will bumble and mumble as people everywhere slap their foreheads and cringe from the pain caused by this man’s idiocy.

More than 100 people have been confirmed dead following wildfires in Lahaina, Hawaii, with more to come as less than half the area has been searched. Biden gave a speech on Tuesday and appeared to forget the name of the island where the fires were located.

C’mon, Joe. Just say the name. Say the name, man.

From the Daily Mail:

Joe Biden on Tuesday appeared to forget the name Maui, referring to the island in a speech in Milwaukee as “the one where you see on television all the time.”

It makes sense that Joe got confused considering the leader of the free world appears to get his detailed briefings from television news while he eats ice cream in the White House basement. How could he not get this right after his lacky staff told him what to say and they have teleprompters with big letters for the words he has to say?

But he did get it wrong and stuck his foot in his mouth once again on live TV.

“The Army helicopters helped fire suppression efforts on the Big Island because there’s still some burning on the Big Island — not the one that, not the one where you see on television all the time,” he said.

Biden has been widely criticized – by Republicans and Democrats – for his callous response to the wildfires. He actually said, “No comment,” when asked about the death toll recently and then he camped out on the beach for hours to take a break and soak up some rays.

While Biden relaxed, search and rescue efforts continued to help victims and discover more people killed by the fires, including children. The president’s response did not go over well with Kaniela Ing, a Democratic former member of Hawaii’s state legislature.

“I campaigned for you,’ he said. ‘Now, when I lose dozens of my friends, family, and neighbors – this?”

Biden promised more government aid will be sent to Hawaii and he will visit “soon.” After his callous and ignorant comments, he may want to stay home and let the people take care of themselves. The whole world knows he really doesn’t care about them.

Key Takeaways:

  • Joe Biden opens his mouth about Hawaii fires and causes more problems.
  • The president can’t seem to remember the name of devastated island.
  • Even Democrats are questioning Biden’s sincerity in helping victims.

Source: Daily Mail

Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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