Biden Bowled Over by Stunning Report – This 1 Number Is Bigger Than Anyone Thought
By Mick Farthing|August 23, 2023
Biden Bowled Over by Stunning Report – This 1 Number Is Bigger Than Anyone Thought

What’s Happening:

It seems the Biden administration’s stance on nearly every issue has been to just do the opposite of Trump. Despite the fact that many of Trump’s policies saw measurable success, Joe and his Democrats decided to go the opposite way.

This is especially true for the border. Throwing away decades of evidence and history, the Biden administration has refused to police or secure our Southern border. Over eight million illegal aliens have been caught since 2021 (not including the ones that weren’t caught); most were let into the country. Biden has written off the crisis. But Americans have not.

From Just the News:

The Center Square Voters’ Voice Poll, conducted in conjunction with Noble Predictive Insights, asked 2,500 registered voters, including 1,000 registered Democrats, 1,000 registered Republicans, and 500 independents: “How concerned are you about the situation at the border?”

Eighty-two percent responded that they are concerned, with 47% saying they are very concerned and an additional 35% saying they are somewhat concerned. Just 13% said they are not concerned at all and 4% are unsure.

Yikes. A poll asked Democrats, Republicans, and independents what they thought about the border. A staggering 82% said they were worried about the border. Of those, 47% said they were very concerned. Only 13% said they were not concerned.

That means most of the country, regardless of party, is worried about what is going on at the border.

For Biden to show such little concern is truly shocking. Even members of his own party are worried about the millions of migrants flooding into our country. And they should be. This problem is no longer constrained to border states.

Biden has been busing migrants all over the country since 2021. And many of these illegal entrants are ending up in major blue cities. Cities like Los Angeles, New York, and Chicago are overrun with illegal aliens. Democrat mayors have no power to deport them (only the federal government can deport illegals), so they are burning through tax dollars to house these outsiders.

But these cities are crumbling under the constant influx of migrants. There is no room left to put them. And border communities have become war zones between police and drug cartels. Experts have revealed that the cartels are calling the shots at the border, not the United States government.

Yet, all the while, Biden is doing nothing. He takes vacations as the country is trampled underfoot by invaders.

Key Takeaways:

  • The vast majority of Americans are concerned about the border crisis, per a new poll.
  • Eighty-two percent of Americans, both Republicans and Democrats, said they were concerned.
  • This comes as Joe Biden refuses to acknowledge the crisis which has been raging since 2021.

Source: Just the News

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.

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