Biden Quietly Changes 1 Trump Rule – And Hard-Working Americans Are Crying Foul
By Mick Farthing|September 5, 2023
Biden Quietly Changes 1 Trump Rule – And Hard-Working Americans Are Crying Foul

What’s Happening:

Right at the start of his administration, Biden passed a rule shutting down drilling for oil and gas on federal land. That crippled American energy production, forcing us to buy oil from foreign nations. And, after Biden failed to stop Russia from invading Ukraine, companies boycotted their oil–leading to a massive spike in gasoline and electricity prices.

The White House has made excuses, but many of its own staff have admitted this was planned. Biden officials are trying to force states and individuals to switch to “green” alternatives. But Biden’s Green New Deal is failing to provide adequate energy for the nation. And now, he is quietly ending a Trump-era rule that will lead to even higher prices.

From Fox News:

The Biden administration quietly rescinded a Trump-era regulation allowing companies to transport liquefied natural gas (LNG) via rail in a victory for environmental groups.

In a federal filing Friday ahead of the holiday weekend, the Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) formally suspended the 2020 authorization of LNG transportation in rail tank cars. The rule will remain in effect until either a permanent rule regarding LNG rail tank car transportation is proposed and finalized — a process that may take several months — or June 30, 2025.

Biden is canceling a Trump rule that allowed natural gas to be transported by train. He did this based on lobbying from far-left environmental groups who claim it was too dangerous, should a train derail.

The problem, of course, is that these same groups have fought against the building of gas pipelines, which can safely transport fuel across entire continents.

So, Biden and the left are banning trains and pipelines. What do we have left? Tanker trucks? Oh, yeah, those are really safe. It’s hard not to assume the left is simply trying to cripple all attempts at transporting fossil fuels.

Fuel prices will only increase after this change since companies will be unable to transport as much gas as before. This comes at a time when many states are struggling to keep the lights on. Biden’s previous rules prevented American companies from producing cheap and effective energy for the country.

We are at the mercy of OPEC and other foreign nations who don’t have the same restrictions. Energy prices will only rise, in a stealth attack against working Americans’ ability to afford the basics. Biden’s rules are making it harder for Americans to build wealth and succeed.

Does Biden even care about this country?

Key Takeaways:

  • Biden is quietly ending a Trump rule that allowed train transportation of energy.
  • This will prevent companies from transporting natural gas, leading to higher energy prices.
  • Biden has restricted American energy production, leading to rising prices.

Source: Fox News

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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