Joe Biden continued his parade of ignorant people he wants to place in high positions of authority over American lives. His track record of people who can’t define basic terms such as “woman” is a disgrace to the nation and attack on the liberties of citizens.
Presidents, even mumbling old men like Biden, get to nominate federal judges who can serve for decades. The parade of nominees who lean into ideas and opinions beloved by radical leftists is a sickening charade. These characters can undermine the judicial system for decades.
Another of Biden’s selections appeared before the U.S. Senate on Wednesday. United States District Judge Nancy Maldonado of the Northern District of Illinois couldn’t even remember the definition of an item in one of the most controversial bans she had supported.
Her nomination for a seat on the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit was challenged by Republican Sen. John Kennedy of Louisiana with direct questions. The exchange between the two was mind-numbing in her level of ignorance.
From the Daily Caller:
“You said, ‘assault weapons may be banned because they’re extraordinarily dangerous and are not appropriate for legitimate self-defense purposes,’” Kennedy said. “Tell me what you meant by assault weapons.”“Just to clarify there, I was local counsel,” Maldonado said.
“Tell me what you meant by assault weapons,” Kennedy repeated.
“I am not a gun expert,” Maldonado responded.
“So you submitted a brief, an appellate brief, you signed it, and you don’t know and… you said abolish assault weapons, and you don’t know what you wanted them to abolish?” Kennedy asked.
“I was not responsible for researching the content,” Maldonado said.
She knowingly signed a brief denying the fundamental right of Americans guaranteed under the Second Amendment of the Constitution. Maldonado claimed she did not write the brief Kennedy cited and she signed the document due to a requirement of the Illinois Supreme Court.
The high court in Illinois eventually upheld the ban on semiautomatic firearms in a 2012 ruling. The firearms in question were “assault weapons,” a loose term that gun-control activists use to rally support for banning semiautomatic guns. The reality is that these firearms are not “assault weapons” in the context presented, but merely have cosmetic features similar to weapons with fully automatic capability.
The National Shooting Sports Foundation estimated that more than 24 million “modern sporting rifles,” which include the AR-15, are “in circulation” in a July 2022 release. These rifles have the cosmetic features that gun control activists label as “assault weapons.”
According to FBI statistics for 2022, rifles of any type were used in 541 killings that year. By comparison, the same data showed that knives were used in 1,630 killings and personal weapons (defined as hands, fists, and feet) were used in 665 killings.
Instead of banning weapons hated by gun control advocates, the Senate should be sure to ban activist-loving judicial nominees promoted by the ignorant president.
Key Takeaways:
- A Biden judicial nominee was humiliated because she couldn’t answer a question.
- The nominee to a federal appellate court couldn’t define “assault weapons.”
- She had previously signed a legal brief that helped get such firearms banned.
Source: Daily Caller