GOP Leader Hits Biden for “Downright Evil” Move – And Christian Kids Are Suffering Because of It
By Sean Kerrvin|July 28, 2023
GOP Leader Hits Biden for “Downright Evil” Move – And Christian Kids Are Suffering Because of It

What’s Happening:

Joe Biden claims he is a man of faith while at the same time he puts in place policies that hurt children. Children at the border, those caught up in human trafficking, and now Christian children are being harmed by the dear leader whose recent gaffe made it look like he was trying to eat a child.

Now Biden plans to take food off the table for Christian children because their schools don’t bow down to the religion of woke ideology. Be faithful and go hungry is the new edict from Biden’s throne in the White House. Thank goodness Republicans are alerted to Biden’s harm toward children and are demanding answers from Biden’s federal agency shutting off food to Christian students.

From the Daily Caller:

Republican Indiana Rep. Jim Banks sent a letter Wednesday to Department of Agriculture Sec. Tom Vilsack demanding answers over a department rule change Banks said would block religious schools from participating in the USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service programs.

And how are Biden’s minions justifying their abusive actions against children? The rule change falls under the department’s Title IX sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) provision, according to the Daily Caller. Preschoolers enrolled at a Christian school in California won’t qualify for free lunches provided by the USDA’s Child and Adult Food Care Program because the preschool objected to the USDA’s SOGI rule.

“About 40 percent of the children at (the preschool) are low-income and, before they were denied access to federal nutritional assistance, qualified for USDA’s Child and Adult Food Care Program,” Banks wrote in the letter. “For nearly twenty years, (the preschool) had used the program to provide students in need with regular meals… until, as a result of your federal rule, it was cut off.”

In other words, the children must bow before the religion of sexual orientation and gender identity, or they can go hungry. Biden throws billions of dollars to his foreign pals, but he won’t provide a free meal for a few thousand dollars per year to hungry children. He is one sick individual and Republicans are calling him out for his attack on children.

From the Daily Caller:

“House Republicans must use the farm bill to undo the Biden administration’s downright evil decision to take away free school lunches from needy children at observant Christian schools,” Banks said. “I thought I’d seen it all from this administration, but this is a new low.”

This is pure evil from Biden and his self-directed agencies that are pushing these types of program changes to punish anyone who doesn’t follow woke ideology. Using school children as cultural and political pawns is disgusting.

The shocking reality is this isn’t as low as Joe can go. Expect more harsh attacks on the people of this country as he tries to order obedience on his way to gaining a second term in office. Not even the children are safe from such evil.

Key Takeaways:

  • Republican slams Biden for ‘downright evil’ move against Christians.
  • School children could attend classes hungry under Biden’s latest policy.
  • GOP representative calls for action against ‘new low’ from Biden.

Source: Daily Caller

Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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