Biden Admits He Missed 1 Huge Piece of News – Then Drops a Hilarious 4-Word Excuse
By Sean Kerrvin|August 24, 2023
Biden Admits He Missed 1 Huge Piece of News – Then Drops a Hilarious 4-Word Excuse

What’s Happening:

“Classless and clueless” will be the ageless mockery of Joe Biden and his presidency. He showcased his classless attitude toward Americans when he ignored the horrific disaster in Hawaii. Now he showed the world how clueless he is when it comes to vital foreign events that could affect U.S. national security.

Biden spends more time away from working for the American people as he does pretending he’s working for our best interests. His latest clueless revelation came while he was on a lavish vacation to Lake Tahoe. This guy milks the taxpayers of this country like there was no tomorrow.

The big news of the day was that a warlord who challenged Russian President Vladimir Putin was declared killed in a plane crash outside Moscow. That should have been an instant briefing for the president even if he was reading the comic pages in the throne room.

But, alas, the dear leader couldn’t be bothered until reporters called him out, asking his thoughts on the Russian deaths.

From Fox News:

“I don’t know for a fact what happened, but I am not surprised. There is not much that happens in Russia with Putin not behind, but I don’t know enough to know the answer. I’ve been working out for the last hour and a half,” Biden said.

Odds are there was a television in whatever gym where he was burning up a sweat. How hard would it be for one of his lackey staffers to hoist a remote and switch the station from the cartoon channel to a news channel? Or maybe just hold up a sign that has all the details spelled out in big letters with small words?

We all know Biden wasn’t in the middle of any heavy workout when this happened. He can barely lift a double-scoop ice cream cone and he certainly wasn’t on the stationary bicycle in the gym. Truth be told they were probably too afraid of waking him up from his nap because he might yell and curse at them.

Social media wasn’t sympathetic to Biden’s “working out” excuse. People slammed him for being out of touch as the leader of the free world.

Trump super PAC spokesperson Karoline Leavitt tweeted, “It’s mid-day on a Wednesday, the country is going to hell, and Joe Biden is working out and sipping a smoothie.”

“The poor Secret Service. It’s like watching a toddler outdoors,” conservative commentator Brian Doherty tweeted.

Behind the scenes to this workout debacle, Biden is living it up while renting the $18 million home of environmental activist, businessman and former Democratic presidential candidate Tom Steyer. The Bidens are enjoying the high life for nine days right after they left his trip to survey wildfire devastation in Hawaii.

The Bidens are working on soaking up some sun and sipping fruity drinks while Hawaiians are working on rebuilding their lives. Biden needs to get to work on shoring up foreign affairs and providing the people of Hawaii with more aid than he gave to Ukraine.

Key Takeaways:

  • Joe Biden opens his mouth and inserts another stupid response.
  • The president is slammed for not knowing about foreign affairs.
  • Biden blames his ignorance on “working out” while people die.

Source: Fox News

Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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