Biden Makes Shocking Military Move – This Could Be the Beginning of Historic Conflict
Biden Makes Shocking Military Move – This Could Be the Beginning of Historic Conflict

What’s Happening:

In the aftermath of the Hamas attack on Israel, the Jewish state went to war. Israel is currently engaged in a conflict to root out Hamas. But Hamas is not working by itself. It has the help of Hezbollah and other terror groups.

Experts have accused Iran of supporting these various groups. The United States is siding with Israel. But far from just providing aid or equipment, Biden has moved troops and ships close to the region.

This has provoked attacks by Iranian-backed forces to attack American bases. U.S. troops have been injured in attacks that show no signs of stopping. Now, Biden has taken steps that could escalate into a much larger conflict.

From Daily Wire:
The U.S. Military conducted targeted strikes against facilities in Syria on Thursday night that are used by Iran’s military and its terrorist proxy group.

“Iran wants to hide its hand and deny its role in these attacks against our forces,” the statement continued. “We will not let them. If attacks by Iran’s proxies against U.S. forces continue, we will not hesitate to take further necessary measures to protect our people.”

Biden’s Secretary of Defense repeatedly called the strikes against Syria “self-defense.” They come after days of drone and missile attacks against American forces in the region. Twenty-one servicemembers have been hurt. A reported 19 soldiers have been diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries.

According to some accounts, Israel does not want more U.S. forces in the area. The increased presence could be provoking unnecessary attacks against American troops. Israel has made it clear that its goal is to defeat Hamas for the October 7th terror attacks.

Biden does not have a good history when dealing with international hostility. His decisions in Afghanistan and Ukraine led to disaster. Many fear Biden’s moves in the Middle East could drag the U.S. into a devastating conflict, or worse.

The president claimed he would do a better job handling the Middle East than former President Trump. However, under Trump’s administration, there was no war in Israel or elsewhere. Treaties were being signed by Israelis and Arabs. Iran was being held back through sanctions and other measures.

Today, many fear we are on the verge of a global conflict. Biden and the Pentagon seem to have their foot on the gas. And it’s anyone’s guess what might happen next.

Key Takeaways:

  • The United States conducted strikes against facilities in Syria being used by Iran.
  • This comes after numerous attacks on U.S. forces in the Middle East.
  • Some fear Biden is moving the United States to a global conflict.

Source: Daily Wire

October 27, 2023
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.