After Joe Biden Makes Maui a Promise – He Gets Totally Roasted By a Surprise Source
By Mick Farthing|August 16, 2023
After Joe Biden Makes Maui a Promise – He Gets Totally Roasted By a Surprise Source

What’s Happening:

It doesn’t appear that Joe Biden has been handling this Maui wildfire well. He was heavily criticized by Americans when they found out he was sunning himself on the beach as the island burned. Americans did not appreciate his apparently smug “No comment” response to questions about the horrific tragedy.

The White House appeared to try to paper over that fumble by promising $700 for each family hit by the fire. Biden can send $110 billion to a foreign country, but refuses to cover the billions in damage caused by this Maui fire? And, as the disaster reached a new, grim milestone, Biden gave this vague promise.

From Breitbart:

The human toll in the cataclysmic wildfire that destroyed a Hawaiian town reached 106 on Tuesday as President Joe Biden said he will travel to the devastated area “soon” while offering “thoughts and prayers” alongside assistance for survivors.

Oh… “soon.” I guess he has more important things to do, besides looking after Americans hit by tragedy. It doesn’t appear that the federal government is doing nearly enough to address this natural disaster. And even liberal-leaning CNN is getting impatient.

From Breitbart:

On Tuesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “AC360,” CNN Chief Climate Correspondent Bill Weir reported from Kula, Hawaii and said that despite talk that “the cavalry’s coming,” “we’ve got guys putting out fires with bottled water and volunteers in helicopters, in this neighborhood, at least at the moment,” and that over the weekend, he “didn’t see a single person in uniform” other than cops working checkpoints, and he hasn’t seen the relief efforts from the military where he is.

Wow. It seems that this wildfire is turning into another Katrina. Back then, the media slammed President Bush for a seemingly lax federal response to the devastating hurricane. And today, CNN correspondent Bill Weir revealed that he has seen little federal support, despite a wildfire that is devastating Hawaii.

He even said that people are trying to put out the fires “with bottled water.” Weir said he hadn’t seen a “single person in uniform” besides cops at checkpoints. All the promises of aid from the federal government, according to this CNN reporter, have not materialized. He didn’t see relief efforts from the military, despite what the White House and others have been saying.

Even still, the liberal news network refused to put the blame on Joe Biden. Weir called it “really fascinating” that the man picked by Democrats to replace Trump can’t muster a drop of support for an American state. Meanwhile, Biden keeps promising billions to Ukraine–while opening the border to outsiders.

Key Takeaways:

  • Joe Biden promised he’d visit Maui, which has been devastated by wildfires, “soon.”
  • Biden was criticized by Americans for relaxing on the beach while the island burned.
  • CNN criticized the federal government’s seeming lack of response in Hawaii.

Source: Breitbart, Breitbart

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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