After Biden Tells a Disgraceful Lie – The MSM Slams Joe with 1 Brutal Announcement
After Biden Tells a Disgraceful Lie – The MSM Slams Joe with 1 Brutal Announcement

Despite Biden’s repeated failures, he could count on the mainstream media to protect him. Most of the time, the liberal-leaning news industry has spun most of Biden’s failures. They have even been willing to redefine the word “recession” so they didn’t have to say Biden is responsible for one.

But it seems even the liberal media’s kindness for Joe can only go so far. With Biden’s White House spiraling over his repeated blunders, it seems the media is pushing back.

Biden recently made a claim that is so untrue, that it is hard to believe he even said it. It seems the failing president is trying to pull an obvious fast one on Americans. Yet this lie was so shocking, that not even the liberal media would swallow it. And they are fighting back.

From Just the News:
Last week, Biden told CNN that “[n]o president’s had the run we’ve had in terms of creating jobs and bringing down inflation. It was 9% percent when I came to office, 9%.”

In reality, inflation stood at 1.4% in January of 2021 and reached a high of 9.1% in June of 2022, during Biden’s term.

Biden’s comments drew rebuke and fact checks from several news outlets. Even far-left Snopes rated the claim “False” while normally Biden-friendly CNN observed that “Biden’s claim… is not close to true.”

The Washington Post fact-checker meanwhile, gave Biden “four pinocchios” for the claim, which the Post defines as a “whopper.”

No, Biden wasn’t making a “gaffe.” He told two outlets—CNN and Yahoo Finance—that he inherited 9% inflation. That is an outright lie anyone can see if they bother to fact-check. The country had very low inflation under Trump of just 1.4% when Biden took over.

Inflation started thanks to Biden’s policies and reached a staggering 9% in June of 2022. For Biden to repeat this false claim twice was a bridge too far for several media outlets. Snopes—a left-wing run fact-checking site—called the claim “False.” CNN hit Biden by saying it was “not close to true.”

The Washington Post gave Biden “four pinocchios” for the lie and called it a “whopper.”

But that was just the beginning. Biden claimed he lowered the deficit by “1.7 trillion dollars.” Social network X fact-checked this, revealing this “reduction” was the result of pandemic spending automatically ending, not action by Biden. Washington Post gave Biden a “bottomless pinocchio” over this claim.

Biden also said he reduced gas prices from over $5/gallon when he took office. The average gas price when he took office was $2.33/gallon. Again, CNN blasted Biden for this claim. Gas prices have been one of Joe’s biggest failures, thanks to his anti-fossil fuel agenda.

How many more times will Biden say something so wildly untrue, that the liberal media will have to penalize him?

Key Takeaways:

  • The liberal media is starting to push back on Biden’s outright falsehoods.
  • CNN and the Washington Post slammed Joe for claims about inflation.
  • Other outlets blasted Biden for lies about gas prices and deficit spending.

Source: Just the News

May 16, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.