After Biden Visits Hurricane-Torn Florida – He Unloads 8 Stunning Words to Push the Left’s #1 Agenda
By Sean Kerrvin|September 4, 2023
After Biden Visits Hurricane-Torn Florida – He Unloads 8 Stunning Words to Push the Left’s #1 Agenda

What’s Happening:

Hey, you. Yeah, you, reading this. Why are you so stupid? C’mon, man. Don’t you get it?

That’s pretty much how Joe Biden feels about anyone who disagrees with his extremist views that aren’t backed by reality. Whatever wild idea that is buzzing around in his head is exactly what you must think… or you’re stupid.

The dear leader of the free world popped off at the mouth once again and used a natural disaster to advance leftist theories. And he made it clear that if you aren’t on board, you’re not smart.

From Breitbart:

“Nobody can deny the impact of [the] climate crisis. There’s no real intelligence to deny the impacts of the climate crisis anymore,” Biden said.

This clown went on to claim floods, drought, heat, and wildfires “cause serious damage like you’ve never seen before.” C’mon, Brandon, read a book or two. All of these have been occurring since the dawn of time and have been far worse in the past. As for the extreme heat across the nation, Joe should read about the “Dust Bowl” in the 1930s that decimated farming in North America. The weather has improved greatly from then, even when compared to current conditions.

Biden doesn’t have a clue what he’s talking about and the only thing he knows to do when making public claims is to repeat the dog whistle rhetoric his handlers tell him to say. He couldn’t come up with a cohesive, original thought to save his soul.

This latest nonsensical blathering from Biden came as he toured Florida after the Hurricane Idalia swept through the Sunshine State. Just so Joe knows, it was a bad storm at category 3, but that’s not even close to a storm “never seen before.” He must have been sleeping during the early 2000s when some really big storms hit U.S. soil.

And here’s another stupid statement from Biden where he states the obvious that doesn’t really mean anything relative to climate conditions.

“These crises are affecting more and more Americans,” Biden said.

Uh, yeah, well, there are more people in America today than in the past and more are living in the southern coastal areas after fleeing high-tax states run by Democrats. He also alluded to the high cost to recover from damages caused by the hurricane. That’s true, considering Biden has caused everything to be more expensive now than when former President Donald Trump was in office.

Biden is nothing more than a puppet used to take advantage of tragedies so he can spew leftist nonsense. Biden and his puppeteers really should consider that the American people don’t really believe much of anything they say. Americans are far more intelligent than Biden can comprehend.

Key Takeaways:

  • Biden uses damage from hurricane to promote his agenda.
  • President says all Americans should believe what he says.
  • According to Joe, people are lacking in “intelligence.”

Source: Breitbart

Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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