President Biden Just Went Way Too Far – He’s Using Aid Money to Push His Wokest Agenda Everywhere
By Mick Farthing|August 5, 2023
President Biden Just Went Way Too Far – He’s Using Aid Money to Push His Wokest Agenda Everywhere

What’s Happening:

You and I are probably very tired of all the left’s insane ideas. We can’t go a day without hearing about some new “definition” of race, gender, or sexuality. Democrats seem to be idolizing a person’s skin color or gender. And they have tried to infect every last corner of American society with their leftist dogma.

But they are not satisfied with just that.

Radical Democrats are trying to brainwash Americans into thinking like them. They’ve done this by polluting our schools, movies, TV shows, businesses, and even food with woke propaganda. But Biden’s not done yet. He has set his sights on USAID, an agency formed after WWII to help rebuild Europe. But now, this aid-providing agency will be used to spread toxic wokeness to the whole world.

From Daily Wire:

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) launched a new framework for “LGBTQI inclusive development” on Wednesday, which includes a policy goal of aiding in access to “comprehensive sexuality education.”

According to USAID LGBTQ coordinator Jay Gilliam, inclusive development means that “every individual and community, of all diverse identities and experiences, is instrumental in the transformation of their own societies.”

We keep saying wokeness is a toxic religion. And this is more proof of that. USAID was created to provide aid to war-torn and impoverished countries. Its job is to literally provide food and water to people around the world in need.

But, thanks to Joe Biden and the radical left, an agency that is supposed to provide material aid will now be pushing woke views on homosexuality and transgenderism.

Keep in mind, that many of the countries USAID helps are in Africa and Asia. These are deeply-traditional countries that do not embrace the left’s extremist views on sexuality and gender. And  USAID has no business telling these cultures and communities what to think on these matters.

But it appears Democrats are using aid to force their woke agenda onto unsuspecting countries. It seems that, if they want help from the United States, these countries will have to put up with the left’s nonsense about LGBT++++.

Not really what I’d call “aid.” And not at all what the USAID was created to do. But this is what Democrats have become, evangelists for woke propaganda. They will not rest until every last human being bows the knee to their secular religion.

But if they are unable to get most Americans to bow to this nonsense, what makes them think they can get the rest of the world to do it?

Key Takeaways:

  • Biden is forcing aid agency USAID to push woke LGBT propaganda.
  • The agency will force nations in need of aid to embrace the left’s woke agenda.
  • USAID was created after WWII to provide aid to war-torn countries.

Source: Daily Wire

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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