Biden Exposes Secret ‘Script’ On Live TV – And It Just Proved Joe’s Critics Right
Biden Exposes Secret ‘Script’ On Live TV – And It Just Proved Joe’s Critics Right

Polls suggest many Americans worry about President Biden’s health. There have been too many times to count when we’ve seen Biden struggle. He has performed so badly in public, that it seems his handlers go out of the way to control his appearances.

We’ve often seen Biden use a “cheat card.” These cards contain talking points for him to say. Sometimes, they have even told him where to stand and when to leave the podium.

But it seems like it is only getting worse. This week, Biden gave a press conference during the visit of the Japanese prime minister. We are learning that Biden only took questions from specific, pre-approved reporters. And this is how he “answered” them.

From The Post Millennial:
On Wednesday, President Joe Biden delivered a press conference in front of the White House while welcoming the Prime Minister of Japan in which he read answers from a script after calling on a list of specific reporters…

The script was reportedly captured in the reflection of his sunglasses…

Looking seemingly confused after answering a question, Biden mumbled to himself and said: “Who do I call on next? Hang on a second. I got my list here.”

Biden is even openly admitting his press conferences are being controlled by his handlers. He said he had a list of who he was supposed to call on. Reporters would have had pre-approved questions to ask, with Biden’s answers already written out by his staff.

Video footage shows he was using a detailed script, with highlighted sections for him to read. Reflections in his glasses revealed this, as pointed out by online users. This is yet another moment used by Republicans to suggest that Biden is suffering from cognitive decline.

Presidents will often have notes and prepared remarks during events. But it is unusual for the White House to have a list of reporters with pre-approved questions—and answers written out for the president. It is understood that a president is competent enough to hear questions and formulate an answer themselves.

But that has not been the pattern during the Biden administration. The 81-year-old man appears unable to answer basic questions on his own. Which has troubled many people and could affect the election.

Key Takeaways:

  • Video shows Biden reading from a script while answering reporters.
  • Biden admitted he had a list of reporters he was supposed to follow.
  • Reflections in his sunglasses showed the detailed script with highlighted sections.

Source: The Post Millennial

April 11, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.