Biden Just Set a Terrible New Record – And Nightmare News for His 2024 Campaign
By Mick Farthing|September 25, 2023
Biden Just Set a Terrible New Record – And Nightmare News for His 2024 Campaign

What’s Happening:

Joe Biden’s presidency did not enjoy what some call a “honeymoon period.” It was marred by Democrats impeaching outgoing President Donald Trump. Soon after, Biden tried to curry favor with Americans through a stimulus bill–which triggered runaway inflation. By August 2021, Biden’s approval took a nosedive, largely thanks to his disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal. It has since failed to improve.

The ensuing years have not been good for Biden. The 80-year-old Democrat is seeking a second term. However many Americans question his fitness for office, as well as the increasingly poor economic outlook due to his policies. There is little more than a year before the 2024 general election. And Biden just hit a new record.

From The Hill:
President Biden’s disapproval rating hit the highest mark of his presidency in a new poll that also showed support by essential voting blocs is slipping.

Biden’s disapproval rating ticked up to 56 percent, with 41 percent saying they approve. The survey also shows support for Biden slipping with voters aged 18-24, who reported a 46 percent approval rating; Latinos, who reported 43 percent; and independents — who will be key to deciding the general election — at 36 percent.

A new poll from NBC News reveals Biden’s disapproval is at an all-time high. Fifty-six percent of voters disapprove of Biden’s job as president. Only 41% are approving of Biden. The poll also questioned groups the Democrat needs if he wishes to win re-election.

But these groups are showing signs of breaking from Biden. Young voters approve of Joe by only 46%. Latino voters gave him a 43% approval. Independents are particularly sour on Biden, giving him a low 36% approval.

A big factor in Biden’s results is his age. Seventy-four percent of voters say they are concerned with Biden’s mental or physical ability. Over the last three years, Biden has exhibited troubling behavior, especially while giving speeches. Many critics have concluded he is not fit for office, due to this.

But his age appears to be only a part of why voters are disapproving of Biden. The border continues to be a major concern for many Americans. Even a growing number of Northern voters, many liberal, are feeling the pain of the migrant crisis. Inflation is a top worry for most Americans, as well as the economy on the whole.

Key Takeaways:

  • Biden has hit the highest disapproval of his presidency, according to an NBC poll.
  • Fifty-six percent of voters disapprove of Biden’s job in office.
  • Support for Biden from Democrat-leaning groups is also slipping.

Source: The Hill

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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