President Biden Crumbles Badly on Live TV – On the World Stage, Joe Shows 1 Shocking Weakness
President Biden Crumbles Badly on Live TV – On the World Stage, Joe Shows 1 Shocking Weakness

What’s Happening:

As war rages in the Middle East, the United States sent Joe Biden to Israel. The plan was for the president to speak with a variety of Arab leaders to discuss how to quickly end the war.

But after a rocket struck a hospital in Gaza, these leaders rejected Biden’s plea to meet with him. The president made an appearance with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. He was apparently given pre-written remarks to share.

And while the world watches the Middle East erupts into war, it watched Biden struggle to deliver a few simple remarks.

From X:
Joe Biden: “I asked the secretary of state when he and I were working in the Senate to write something for me and he said he wrote a line.. He said, ‘It’s not we lead, it’s not just…’ Well, I won’t go into it, I’ll wait ’til later, taking too much time”

Biden’s performance while speaking about the Israel war was far from his best. The man appeared very sluggish and weary. At one point, he tried to recall something an anecdote about a “secretary of state,” but trailed off in the middle of a sentence.

The Democrat followed that up with an attempt to discuss the recent blast on a Gaza hospital. It appears Biden was affirming reports that the rocket had been fired from within Gaza, by hostile actors. But his delivery was, once again, troubling.

From X:
Half dead zombie brain Biden reads from a script while talking about the war to Netanyuahu, and calls the terrorist group Hamas, “the other team”. Absolute disgrace.

While discussing the recent news that a rocket struck a hospital in Gaza, Biden claimed it came from “the other team.” Israeli forces and U.S. officials are saying the rocket was fired from Gaza by anti-Israeli forces but misfired at hit the hospital.

Biden appears to be confirming this report but uses language that is not appropriate for the context. His overall posture and appearance will be shocking to most viewers. The “Commander in Chief” of the United States appears far too weak to address something as critical as a war in Israel.

Even the Israeli prime minister appears concerned and upset, sitting beside Biden. Critics are already using this scene to slam Biden’s fitness for leadership. For years, Republicans have said Biden is too old to be president.

Americans have been greeted with footage that seems to confirm their concerns. Now, as the world teeters on larger conflict–as America needs a strong leader to guide it–Biden appears to be falling apart at the seams.

Key Takeaways:

  • Biden spoke alongside the Israeli prime minister in Israel.
  • The president appeared weak, sluggish, and confused.
  • He failed to finish an anecdote and called Hamas “the other team.”
  • This comes as Israel engages in a deadly war with Hamas.

Source: X, X

October 18, 2023
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.