Biden Makes 1 Embarrassing Admission – He Comes Clean On Top Controversial Issue
By Mick Farthing|August 11, 2023
Biden Makes 1 Embarrassing Admission – He Comes Clean On Top Controversial Issue

What’s Happening:

In the summer of 2022, Democrats hastily rushed through a massive spending bill. They called it the “Inflation Reduction Act,” suggesting this was finally going to fix the inflation Joe Biden created. The bill wasn’t going to pass, however, until Sen. Joe Manchin sold out Americans for a pipeline deal (which fell through immediately).

Experts pointed out one important detail about this “inflation” bill: it did not fix inflation. Fixing inflation requires the government to cut back on reckless spending. This bill did the opposite. In fact, this bill throws billions to Biden’s buddies in the “green” industry. Plus, it raises taxes sky-high. And now, Biden is finally admitting what we knew all along.

From Fox News:

President Biden admitted Thursday that Democrats’ signature Inflation Reduction Act wasn’t as much about actually reducing the then-record-high inflation facing the nation as he originally touted to the American people.

“I wish I hadn’t called it that. It has less to do with reducing inflation than it does providing for alternatives that generate economic growth,” Biden said during an appearance at a campaign fundraiser in Park City, Utah according to the press pool report.

So… Biden lied. Is that what I’m reading here? Biden said he “wished” he hadn’t called the bill the “Inflation Reduction Act.” Uh… hey, buddy. If you didn’t want to call the bill that, why did you?

And doesn’t Congress name their bills? They are supposed to be the ones writing the bills. Is Joe admitting that he is violating the separation of powers by writing these bills himself?

Even Sen. Bernie Sanders admitted the bill wouldn’t lower inflation or reduce healthcare costs. And he voted for it anyway.

Funny how, after the bill is passed and the damage is done, Biden is coming clean. Pretty typical of leftists, if you ask me. Biden tricked Americans into thinking this bill would lower his runaway inflation. Instead, he says it “provided alternatives that generate economic growth.”

That is code for, “We threw away your money to companies that ended up wasting it.” Biden’s entire presidency has been one screw-up after another. Apparently, he thinks the president’s only job is to give away tax dollars to Democrat donors and Ukraine.

Why does anyone in America still respect this man? He’s done nothing to turn away the many crises his own administration created. Gas prices are still high. The border is overwhelmed. War is raging overseas. Iran has gone rogue. And crime is getting worse.

But at least Biden’s buddies are sitting pretty.

Key Takeaways:

  • Biden admitted the “Inflation Reduction Act” had nothing to do with inflation.
  • Joe claims the bill provided “alternatives that generate economic growth.”
  • Many experts pointed out that the massive spending bill did nothing to lower inflation.

Source: Fox News

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.

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