After Biden Stumbles on Campaign Trail – Aides Make Eye-Popping Moves to Save Him
By Mick Farthing|July 24, 2023
After Biden Stumbles on Campaign Trail – Aides Make Eye-Popping Moves to Save Him

What’s Happening:

Yes, you might be shocked to think about it, but Democrats really expect Joe Biden to run a real presidential campaign. Last time around, he got off the hook by hiding in his basement for most of the election. But he can’t use COVID as an excuse, this time. (Maybe he’s hoping we’ll have a full-blown war with Russa by next year, so he can hide in a bunker?)

Biden is going to have to travel across the country to campaign, the same as anyone else. But the man can’t even walk down a stage without tripping over something. Plus, he is 80 years old and has the stamina of melting Jell-O. But Democrats will be damned if they admit they backed the wrong horse. So, his aides are going out of their way to hide Biden’s failing abilities.

From Breitbart:

Three NBC news reporters – Carol E. Lee, Peter Nicholas and Monica Alba – had a piece published Monday detailing a host of modifications to Biden’s day-to-day scheduling designed to limit the possibility of him failing to deliver in public…

Afterward, a few huddled to figure out what may have gone wrong and how to make sure that such an embarrassing and dangerous incident “never happens again,” according to two people familiar with the discussion.

This is pretty pathetic. After Biden’s numerous falls, trips, and collapses, his aides are struggling to make as many changes as possible, to avoid such embarrassments in the future. They will be carefully controlling his campaign appearances, just like they’ve controlled his presidency into oblivion, so Americans won’t realize their emperor has no clothes.

Just think about that. Democrats know Biden is not fit to lead. He can’t think straight, can’t speak straight, and can’t walk straight. But instead of retiring the old cow, they are just going to try to hide that fact from the voting public.

Hey, dummies! We already know he’s not fit to lead! The man is 80 years old. And since 2020, we’ve seen shocking signs of his cognitive and physical decline. There is no way he can handle the demands of a presidential campaign.

Don’t be surprised if he avoids rallies, events, or even meet-and-greets. Even when he does make appearances, it will only last for five minutes or so. Can’t have votes knowing the condition of this candidate! He’s only running for the most important office on the planet!


Biden only won in 2020, thanks to COVID. But since then, he’s turned the United States into a laughing stock. For Democrats to think he deserves another term, especially considering his failing health, is criminal.

Key Takeaways:

  • Joe Biden’s aides are working overtime to prevent Biden from showing his failing health on the campaign trail.
  • Democrats acknowledge Biden is too old and weak to run, but they refuse to admit it.
  • His campaign will modify his schedule and appearances to hide the truth from the public.

Source: Breitbart

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.

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