Biden Just Got a Huge “Secret” Boost – Big Money Comes Flowing to Joe from Concerning Source
By Mick Farthing|August 3, 2023
Biden Just Got a Huge “Secret” Boost – Big Money Comes Flowing to Joe from Concerning Source

What’s Happening:

What was it that Democrats keep complaining about? That there is too much “dark money” in politics? Liberals like AOC claim that Republicans rely on donations funneled through nonprofits. Because they are not direct donations, the identity of the donor is kept secret.

We don’t know who these donors are. They could be hard-working Americans… or corrupt Ukrainian businessmen.

But for all of the left’s bellyaching against Republicans, they seem to ignore the fact that–they do it too. Joe Biden has the worst approval ratings of any president in the last 70 years. Many within his own party don’t want him to run for re-election. So, you might expect that there aren’t too many Americans willing to donate to his re-election campaign.

Where, then, did he get all this money? From Fox News:

President Biden appears positioned to benefit from massive sums in undisclosed donations from the main outside super PAC backing his 2024 candidacy, records indicate…

Biden’s team promoted the Future Forward PAC as the leading external group to rake in big money to help his candidacy, The New York Times reported in July. At the time, Future Forward told the publication it had raised $50 million this year…

Future Forward’s nonprofit, which hides its donors, has transferred tens of millions to the PAC for electoral activity in recent years.

This is why Democrats are so eager for a seemingly unwell man to stay in the White House. It appears the Biden campaign is being bankrolled by a dark money group. This group is raising tens of millions of dollars, funneling it into Biden’s campaign.

We don’t know who is donating this money. But we are pretty sure it isn’t your neighbor.

Joe Biden has defrauded the American people and shoveled billions of our dollars at big corporations, foreign nations, and radical woke groups. Hmm… maybe he isn’t working for Americans at all? Maybe he’s working for whoever is giving him cash through this dark money group.

Why aren’t more Democrats outraged over this? Aren’t they the ones complaining that our elections are muddied, thanks to dark money? Yet they turn a blind eye whenever one of their own is guilty of this kind of thing.

They indicted Trump over paperwork, but ignore allegations that Biden took bribes and is getting money from anonymous donors.

And you don’t think the system is rigged?

Key Takeaways:

  • Joe Biden is getting campaign cash from a dark money group.
  • Future Forward is raising tens of millions for Biden, from unknown sources.
  • This comes after Democrats accused Republicans of campaigning on “dark money.”

Source: Fox News

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.

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