After Biden Makes Horrifying $6B Deal – Republicans Humiliate Joe on His Worst Move Yet
By Mick Farthing|August 11, 2023
After Biden Makes Horrifying $6B Deal – Republicans Humiliate Joe on His Worst Move Yet

What’s Happening:

We have to really wonder who is deciding Biden’s international policies. The old man is bankrolling a war in Europe that America has nothing to do with. He’s failed to stop China from continually making threats to Taiwan. And despite his promises, he could not negotiate to stop Iran from developing its nuclear program.

What next, he’s going to give Alaska to North Korea?

Biden seems to be putting the interests of foreign nations ahead of his own. He recently made a very bad deal, with the very worst nation. Not only did he hand over enemy prisoners, but he allowed $6 billion to pass into a rogue nation’s hands. And now, Americans are hitting back.

From Fox News:

Biden had negotiated the release of five American hostages from Iran in exchange for a handful of Iranian nationals serving prison sentences for violating sanctions against the Islamic Republic.

Sources told the paper that the U.S. also agreed to unfreeze nearly $6 billion of Iran’s assets in South Korea, transferring the funds into an account in the central bank of Qatar.

Republicans blasted the deal online, with former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo saying Iran “shouldn’t profit from holding Americans hostage.”

Unbelievable. Biden caved to Iran, giving up Iranian criminals and $6 billion in assets. All this does is tell Iran–and the rest of the world’s enemies–that they can cash in, if they capture Americans.

Republicans torched Biden’s decision, including former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. He criticized Biden by saying he let Iran “profit” from capturing American hostages. Other Republicans rebuked Biden for incentivizing kidnapping around the world.

Instead of punishing Iran for taking Americans hostage, Biden gave Iran $6 billion. How idiotic is that?

Biden has already come off as a friend to Iran when he couldn’t work out a deal with the nation. President Trump kept Iran in place with painful sanctions and strategic strikes. Biden failed to hold Iran in check with a new agreement. Previous reports suggest they never stopped developing WMDs.

Only a strong hand can stop Iran from being a global threat. But, once again, Biden gave up big time to a very bad enemy.

When is this going to end?

Key Takeaways:

  • Joe Biden gave Iran $6 billion in exchange for American hostages.
  • Republicans rebuked Biden for rewarding Iran, issuing warnings.
  • Critics said Biden was incentivizing Iran and others to kidnap Americans.

Source: Fox News

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.

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