Biden Sent Spinning by Surprise 2024 Report – His Support Collapses in 1 Critical State
By Sean Kerrvin|September 13, 2023
Biden Sent Spinning by Surprise 2024 Report – His Support Collapses in 1 Critical State

What’s Happening:

Like a trip up a flight of stairs, support for Joe Biden continues to fall among key voters. Years of gaffes, mumbles, and tumbles have left Biden little room for mistakes as the nation gears up for the 2024 presidential election year.

Voter support for Biden has languished at or below historically low levels for a president. The news only got worse this week as a new poll in a key state revealed just how bad the president is polling. Losing this state could cause a rift among Democrats and become a game-changer for the party nomination.

Support in Iowa is central to any Democrat winning the primary race next year. The latest Emerson College Polling survey showed the president tumbled 19 percentage points in caucus support that included a “mutiny” among women and younger voters.

From the Washington Examiner:

“Young voters and women voters are two groups who have lower support for Biden than their counterparts: only 38% of Democratic voters under 30 support Biden in a caucus, and 41% of women are undecided,” Spencer Kimball, the executive director of the survey, said.

This is a staggering loss in support for Biden who was at 69% support among Iowa voters in May and now sits at 50% as of last week.

A curious result of this poll is that the surveyed voters aren’t shifting support to other Democrat candidates, but instead are choosing “someone else/undecided” in the survey. In May, just 10% were undecided, and now that is 34% in the survey.

One must wonder if the Democrats’ change in strategy to skip Iowa as the first primary of the year and replace it with South Carolina affected potential voters. According to the Washington Examiner, Iowa has a largely white population while South Carolina is 26% black.

While Biden’s Iowa poll numbers took a nosedive, former President Donald Trump slipped in support as well. Trump fell 13 points, from 62% to 49%. Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) also lost ground, dropping from 20% to 14%. The rest of the GOP field had mixed results as Iowa remains the first primary for the Republicans.

Kimball pointed out that the Iowa poll numbers likely won’t change the primary outcome for either party. Overall, the Iowa polling numbers show that in a head-to-head competition Trump continues to lead Biden in Iowa, 50%-39%.

Key Takeaways:

  • Key primary state polling numbers fall hard for Biden with shocking results.
  • Two key demographics have so far walked away from the president.
  • Democrats dump this state primary while Republicans hold to tradition.

Source: Washington Examiner

Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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