Obama Questions Trump’s Health After Hiding Biden’s Apparent Cognitive Decline For Years
Obama Questions Trump’s Health After Hiding Biden’s Apparent Cognitive Decline For Years

Barack Obama and the rest of the Democrat establishment spent years hiding President Joe Biden’s apparent cognitive decline from the world. They told the American people not to believe their lying eyes and ears and that any claims that Biden isn’t mentally sound were nothing more than right-wing conspiracy theories.

That all changed when Biden was forced to share the debate stage with Donald Trump back in June. There, Democrats could no longer cover for Biden, whose apparent cognitive decline was put on full display for the world.

Fast forward to today, and Biden is out of the race. Obama is on the campaign trail promoting Kamala Harris, who is currently neck and neck with Trump. On Tuesday, during a rally in Madison, Wisconsin, Obama had the nerve to question Trump’s fitness for office.

In questioning Trump’s health, Obama cited a town hall that Trump took part in with South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem last week. Trump ended the town hall by playing music and bobbing his head to it as he stood on the stage. While this seems innocent enough, it didn’t sit well with Obama.

From Daily Mail:
‘You’d be worried if grandpa was acting like this,’ Obama said.

‘You’d call up your brother, you call up your cousins. You say, have you noticed? But this is coming from somebody who wants unchecked power. So Wisconsin, we do not need to see what an older, loonier Donald Trump looks like with no guard rails, America is ready to turn the page.’

This Is Rich Coming From Obama

After he covered for Biden for years, this is rich coming from Obama.

Indeed, Trump bobbing his head while music plays is nothing compared to the many gaffes that Biden has had. Biden can barely get through any public appearance without embarrassing himself and the country. He’s constantly misspeaking or trailing off into complete and utter gibberish.

Obama had no problem with any of that during the bulk of Biden’s presidency. Yet now he expects us to believe that he’s concerned about the mental fitness of a potential president?

Say what you will about Trump, but it’s clear that he is mentally sharp. While Biden’s apparent cognitive failings were shown to the world during their debate, Trump completely trounced him by speaking clearly and with intelligence. Trump then more than held his own when debating Kamala Harris earlier this month.

Clearly, Obama is grasping at straws when it comes to campaigning for Harris. After all, he can’t campaign based on the track record of the Biden-Harris regime, which has failed our country in a variety of ways. Under Biden and Harris, the economy has gone into shambles, and inflation has skyrocketed. Millions of illegal aliens have flooded our borders. Meanwhile, millions of actual Americans are struggling just to put food on the table.

Not being able to campaign on these issues at all, Obama has been forced to resort to launching unfounded attacks on Trump’s health. It doesn’t get much more pathetic than that, folks!

In the end, this all just goes to show that Obama is getting desperate. It appears that he can feel the walls closing in on Harris and that he sees a potential Trump victory on the horizon!

Key Takeaways:

  • Obama has the nerve to question Trump’s health.
  • Obama spent years covering for Biden’s apparent cognitive failings.
  • Less than two weeks before the election, Democrats are getting desperate.

Source: Daily Mail

October 23, 2024
James Conrad
James is an Ivy League graduate who has been passionate about politics for many years. He also loves movies, running, tennis...and freedom!
James is an Ivy League graduate who has been passionate about politics for many years. He also loves movies, running, tennis...and freedom!