Another Dem Senator Lands in Hot Water – This Million-Dollar Hypocrisy Scandal Will Leave You Speechless
By Sean Kerrvin|September 27, 2023
Another Dem Senator Lands in Hot Water – This Million-Dollar Hypocrisy Scandal Will Leave You Speechless

What’s Happening:

As people from all walks of life continue to struggle throughout America, more news leaked about the political elite getting richer. The term “public servant” seemingly doesn’t apply to high-level politicians and their family members. Americans expect politicians to be working for the people and not working the system for personal gain.

Another senior U.S. senator’s family member is in the spotlight for big investment gains. The hypocrisy in this situation is that the senator, Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut has repeatedly called for others to resign based on their personal outside interests while in office.

This latest stock sale of his wife and net worth of Senator Blumenthal is ironic as he has been an outspoken opponent of personal business of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

From the Daily Caller:
“Justice Thomas should resign – to uphold the Court and American justice. The unavoidable, sickening appearance of impropriety stains trust & credibility in our whole judiciary,” Blumenthal said on April 14.

Considering Blumenthal’s personal business, his criticism has been referred to by Thomas’ lawyer as “political blood sport.”

Public disclosure statements show that Blumenthal’s wife, Cynthia Malkin, made up to $1.75 million from stock sales in August, according to the Daily Caller. Estimates project the couple’s net worth ranging from $50-$100 million primarily from real estate holdings.

Blumenthal is quick to throw out words such as “impropriety,” “trust,” and “credibility” when he was identified by the New York Times in 2022 as one of 97 members of Congress who had a conflict of interest, and the outlet cited his wife’s transactions.

The senator, a lawyer by trade who took office in 2011, brushed off the Times’ assessment. A spokesman has said he “neither owns, nor has any vested interest, in any individual stock himself” and that Blumenthal and his wife do not make any of the trades in their stock portfolio.

Regular Americans trying to pay their bills under growing inflation might see what the Blumenthal’s are doing as not so trustworthy. Accusations about Justice Thomas and his personal finances were born from a left-wing media outlet that shares some of the same donors as leftist activist organizations trying to force Thomas to resign.

Blumenthal should focus on the business of helping the American people and not stick his nose into the business of people working for America.

Key Takeaways:

  • Wife of U.S. senator gets called out for personal business transactions.
  • Blumenthal faces criticism after stock sales are made public.
  • Senator was previously labeled as a senator with a “conflict of interest.”

Source: Daily Caller

Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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