Biden’s Maui Response Leaves Americans Speechless – Joe’s Awful 2-Word Reply Insults Hawaii
By Mick Farthing|August 14, 2023
Biden’s Maui Response Leaves Americans Speechless – Joe’s Awful 2-Word Reply Insults Hawaii

What’s Happening:

You’ve probably read about what’s going on in Hawaii. A devastating wildfire is burning through Maui, leaving countless driven from their homes. This horrible event has already cost at least 96 lives. Many are missing; it might be years before we can fully assess the damage.

Clearly, this is a crisis that requires national attention. When deadly wildfires ripped through the West Coast, then-President Trump was on hand to help. He even met with California’s Democrat governor and promised federal aid and recovery. So… where is Joe Biden, as one of our own states burns? This will really turn your stomach.

From Daily Wire:

Joe Biden, who has often been hailed by the Left as a decent, compassionate person, was at the beach in Delaware on Sunday when asked about the enormous tragedy in Maui, where the deadliest wildfire in the U.S. in the last 100 years has now claimed at least 96 lives and possibly more…

The compassionate response from the president as he was leaving the beach? “No comment.”

Wow. Once again, Biden was found relaxing by the beach instead of doing his job. The “president” has spent nearly a full year on vacation, during his first term in office. Leaving the work of running the country to geniuses like Pete Buttigieg.

Reports found him returning from his little getaway and asked him what he thought about the devastating wildfires. The man simply said, “No comment.”

So, I guess we have our own Nero–who is fiddling while Rome burns.

Huh. What did Democrats say about Biden being a “decent” and “compassionate” man? We’ve seen little to prove it. This was the man who dismissed Afghanis who fell from an airplane, thanks to his botched evacuation. The same man who smugly said the economy was “Strong as hell” as millions of Americans struggled.

The same “president” who did nothing after a derailed train left numerous residents of East Palestine, OH fearing for their lives.

What the heck was Biden doing on that beach? Shouldn’t he be speaking with rescue and response teams about the horrible fire? Should he be giving a press conference to the country, assuring worried Americans that help is on the way?

Of course, not. Does Biden even know about the Maui wildfires!?

Biden is sitting on the beach, ignoring all the problems hounding Americans. Americans, by the way, that he swore to aid and protect. But throughout his entire presidency, Biden has only seemed to aid… himself. And his family.

This response is typical but truly unacceptable.

Key Takeaways:

  • Joe Biden vacationed on the beach while Maui burned.
  • When asked about the fires, he said, “No comment.”
  • Biden has long shown callousness in the face of Americans’ suffering.

Source: Daily Wire

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.

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