CNN Host Van Jones Expresses Concern Over Celebrity Amber Rose’s GOP Convention Speech
CNN Host Van Jones Expresses Concern Over Celebrity Amber Rose’s GOP Convention Speech

During the Republican National Convention, many notable conservatives speak to the nation. We expect governors, senators, and media figures to give memorable speeches. But once in a while, someone totally unexpected shows up to wow the crowd.

That happened this year on the very first day of the event. No, we’re not talking about Trump’s triumphant entry into the convention hall.

To the surprise of millions, famous model and rapper Amber Rose gave a speech. The iconic star revealed her experiences in the entertainment industry. She revealed what it was like for women of color among liberals. The speech sent shockwaves through the liberal elite since they never expected someone like this to support the GOP. Now, a top CNN host is sounding the alarm.

From The Hill:
Democratic strategist Van Jones said Monday that model and rapper Amber Rose’s speech was “the most effective” of Day 1 of the Republican National Convention and therefore could be “the most dangerous” for Democrats in this election cycle…

“That is a young woman of color. She is describing the experience that a lot of people have — feeling that maybe, if you’re around too many liberals, you might get criticized too much or you might not be able to speak your mind, and she spoke to it really well.”

“And she’s way more famous than any of us up here — I’m going to tell you that — way more famous. And so to the extent that these guys are trying to bust up our coalition, that was a bunker buster right there,” Jones, a CNN commentator, said.

CNN’s Van Jones panicked when popular rapper and social media star Amber Rose spoke at the Republican National Convention. During her speech, she admitted that she was like many other people who hated Trump. But she learned that the media was lying about him. She literally wanted to “set the record straight” during her speech.

Jones lamented that such a popular and influential person is supporting Donald Trump. He admitted she was “way more famous” than anyone on CNN. He said that Rose’s speech was the “most dangerous” speech given at the convention.

He’s right. Rose has a large following on social media and can reach millions of people other Republicans cannot. That includes young women and minority Americans. So, if Rose is praising Trump and supporting him, she might inspire many of her fans and followers to do the same.

Van Jones called her speech a “bunker buster” to the liberal’s coalition—the groups they rely on to win elections. He might be right.

Key Takeaways:

  • Celebrity rapper Amber Rose gave a speech during the first day of the Republican National Convention.
  • CNN’s Van Jones claimed it was the “most dangerous” speech of the event because of Rose’s popularity.
  • Rose admitted she was a liberal who once hated Trump and exposed the media’s dishonest coverage of the man.

Source: The Hill

July 17, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.