After Pro Team Strips Historic Name – 1 American Group Stuns Them with Unexpected Demand
By Mick Farthing|August 19, 2023
After Pro Team Strips Historic Name – 1 American Group Stuns Them with Unexpected Demand

What’s Happening:

Thanks to leftist activists, much of our historical and national heritage has been flushed down the toilet. The “cancel culture” woke mob has manufactured fake outrage over things that never bothered anyone, until ten minutes ago. They have forced companies (who fear losing customers) to remove black people from packaging, erase ethnic culture from products, and even change the names of iconic brands.

This has become a common thing among sports teams. Outraged leftists have attacked long-beloved franchises, claiming their names were offensive. What they’ve managed to do is erase entire people groups from our culture and national identity. But now, one group of American Indians is fighting back to restore something that was lost.

From Fox News:

A Native American group that’s demanding the Washington Commanders bring back their “Redskins” name says they have received “overwhelming” support in their fight against the NFL team…

Last week, the group sent a letter to Commanders leadership “formally requesting the team revitalize its relationship with the American Indian community and rightfully change their name back to ‘the Redskins.'”

At the height of the cancel culture outrage, when gangs tore down statues in public parks, the former owner of the Washington Redskins caved to pressure from leftists. He changed the team’s name to the inspired “Washington Football Team.” Later, to the Commanders.

A group of American Indians has started a petition to bring back the Redskins name. They are working to dispel the rumor that the term refers to bloody scalps. Instead, they state that it was a status symbol for elite warriors within Indian tribes.

Their petition has received over 100,000 signatures from fans. They are calling on the current owners to consider bringing back not only an iconic name but to restore some of the cultural heritage that has been slandered by the radical left.

Ironically, outraged leftists have done a good job of scrubbing away ethnic culture and people of color from our pop culture. We no longer see black, Indian, or other ethnic faces on our products or brands. Is that the kind of “inclusivity” they are talking about–erasing non-white people from our culture?

Why can’t Washington keep the Redskins name, and also educate fans about the rich history and culture of tribal peoples?

Oh, no, that would be too much! Most of the people quick to outrage don’t even know or respect our cultural heritage. So, why do they get the biggest say in these issues?

Key Takeaways:

  • A group of American Indians is fighting to bring back the Washington Redskins.
  • Their petition to restore the football team’s name has reached over 100,000 signatures.
  • The group argues that “redskins” is not an insult but a symbol of respect for warriors.

Source: Fox News

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.

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