Mexico’s President Sends Biden 1 Insane Demand – If Joe Agrees, Americans Will Be Furious
Mexico’s President Sends Biden 1 Insane Demand – If Joe Agrees, Americans Will Be Furious

Many experts have commented on the exploding crisis at the border. Republicans have demanded the Biden administration to close the border and deport the millions who entered illegally.

Instead, the Biden administration has seemingly ignored the crisis for years. The president and his staff have even claimed the border is “secure” despite endless testimony to the contrary.

The solution to the devastating problem seems simple. Yet the administration continues to make bizarre moves to avoid the crisis. Just this week, Biden sent his secretary of state to Mexico. You won’t believe what he did.

From The Post Millennial:
On Wednesday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken flew down to Mexico City to meet with President Andres Lopez Manuel Obrador and discuss the ongoing crisis at the border between the two nations.

In the lead-up to the meeting, DHS officials have been busy working on potential steps that Mexico could implement to curb illegal immigration into the US.

Instead of closing the border and deporting illegal aliens, Biden’s top officials are trying to get Mexico to “curb” the number of illegals reaching the U.S. border. It is well known that many of the tens of thousands of migrants are coming from nations South of Mexico.

Under President Trump, Mexico worked with the U.S. to deter this flood of invaders. Yet because the Biden administration is seemingly not enforcing immigration laws on our end, millions of migrants have entered the country.

According to reports, Mexico’s president was unwilling to help the crisis—without what appears to be a shakedown.

From Breitbart:
Mexico’s president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, hinted to a U.S. delegation that he will reduce migration to the United States if liberal President Joe Biden gives more aid and support to Latin American dictators.

It appears President López Obrador was willing to help address the unending migrant crisis if the U.S. funnels money to South American socialist governments. The Mexican president warned the crisis would “intensify” in the coming year.

Mexico can help is discouraging migrants from coming. But because President Biden refuses to secure the border and remove migrants from the country, Mexico and other South American countries have a huge advantage.

Mexico claims that instead of securing our border, America must send millions—if not billions—to corrupt, failed states to “invest in the development” of the people. How this could not be seen as a form of blackmail to anyone is impossible.

López Obrador wanted America to send money to Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua—three countries run by left-wing dictators. They have been sending workers to the U.S. illegally for years, to siphon money back to their homelands. If Biden agrees to belly up and pay them directly, it will only encourage these corrupt regimes to send more people to the U.S.

Key Takeaways:

  • Biden officials traveled to Mexico to beg its president to help with the border crisis.
  • The Mexican president refused to help secure the border and demanded money from South American nations.
  • Biden’s refusal to enforce immigration laws is allowing millions of illegals to flood the country.

Source: The Post Millennial, Breitbart

December 28, 2023
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.