2024 Candidate Suffers Major Injury – This Could Change 1 Huge Upcoming Event
By Jon Brenner|August 23, 2023
2024 Candidate Suffers Major Injury – This Could Change 1 Huge Upcoming Event

What’s Happening:

Here it is, patriots: the most exciting time of the political calendar. The presidential race has arrived, and it’s time to start meeting and considering all the candidates.

But it’s about the worst time for any of those candidates to get sidelined for any reason. Especially when millions of people should be hearing your name for the first time.

One 2024 hopeful was prepared to join the stage but suffered an unexpected injury. From Fox News:

Burgum is one of eight presidential hopefuls set to appear tonight in the first Republican presidential primary debate hosted by Fox News at 9 p.m. ET.

The injury Tuesday night forced Burgum to be sent to a local hospital’s emergency room. As of Wednesday, he has been discharged, his campaign says.

UPDATE: North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum says he will participate in Wednesday night’s Republican presidential primary debate after suffering a leg injury.

For many people, finding out that the North Dakota Governor is even running was a surprise to them, much less that he had been injured. Burgum had reportedly been playing a game of pick=up basketball when he hurt his leg and was rushed to the ER.

Thankfully, later in the day an update seemed to conclude that he will still make it up on that debate stage.

The first Republican primary debate should be an exciting event that every GOP voter should be checking out, no matter what candidate they are supporting. The free exchange of ideas and testing out these candidates is fun, enlightening and can often shift the race significantly in just a few exchanges or soundbites.

While many are excited to see DeSantis, Ramaswamy, Scott, Haley, and others duke it out, the 800-pound gorilla in the room will not actually be in the room. Everyone is sure Donald Trump will be talked about at the debate while he airs a pre-recorded interview with Tucker Carlson and prepares to turn himself in on charges in Georgia the next day.

But while all eyes are on Trump, there are governors, senators, and other statesmen and women who will be putting on quite a show. And it will be a chance for citizens to get to know men like Governor Burgum. Who knows? He may surprise us all.

Hopefully Americans of all political stripes will be tuning in as they talk about the most important issues of our day.

Key Takeaways:

  • Governor Burgum suffered a leg injury before the first Republican primary for the 2024 presidential race.
  • After visiting the ER, he seems to be able to attend.
  • The frontrunner, Donald Trump, will not be in attendance, but he is likely to be a major topic of discussion.

Source: Fox News

Jon Brenner
Patriot Journal’s Managing Editor has followed politics since he was a kid, with Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush as his role models. He hopes to see America return to limited government and the founding principles that made it the greatest nation in history.
Patriot Journal’s Managing Editor has followed politics since he was a kid, with Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush as his role models. He hopes to see America return to limited government and the founding principles that made it the greatest nation in history.
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